A 54 year male patient with Acute heart failure

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

A 54 year old male patient who's labour by occupation came to casualty with chief complaint of SOB since 4 months and its increased since 4 days.

K/c/o  orthopnea.

K/c/o PND( Paroxysmal nocturnal dysopnea)

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 years back and then he found to have hypertension on his regular checkup 8 years ago. 

H/o CVA involving left upper and lower limbs weakness and deviation of mouth to left and that's resolved after 1 month.

5 years ago he diagnosed with DM ,but on IRREGULAR MEDICATION.

In March,with pedal edema patient came to hospital and he was told to have Hypothyroidism and hypercholesterolemia(BUT NOT ON MEDICATION).

1 month ago C/O lower backache diagnosed with renal calculi 7 mm and used medication.

Since 4 weeks c/o sob and it has increased more since 5 days associated with orthopnea PND.

Past history:

Patient is not a known case of epilepsy, tuberculosis and asthma.

Personal history:

Diet : mixed

Sleep: adequate

Appetite: normal

Bowel and bladder movements : regular

Habits : occasionally Alcoholic

Drug history: 

Patient is on diabetic medication ( irregular)
Patient is on renal calculi medication
Not allergic to any known drugs.

Family history:

No significant complaints in family 

General examination:

Patient was coherent, cooperative and conscious.

No history of pallor, icterus, cyanosis,no clubbing,no lymphadenopathy, edema


Temperature:- afebrile

SpO2:-93% at room air

Pulse rate:- 72/ min

Respiratory rate:-26/min

Bp:-140/100 mm Hg

Systemic examination:


S1 and S2 sounds are heard


Postion of trachea is central

Bilateral air entry- positive

IAA crepts -positive 


Abdomen is soft and tender.

No palpable mass 


Patient is conscious

Speech - Normal 

No neurological deficits.


Provisional diagnosis : 

Acute cardiac failure secondary to CAD .Acute anterior wall MI

Treatment plan:

1) Tab.Ecosprin 325 mg/po/stat
2) Tab.Clopitab 300 mg /po/stat
3) Tab.Atrovastatin 80 mg /po /stat
4)inj.lasix 40 mg Iv /BD
5) Neb.DUOLIN stat,budecort stat
6) inj.pantop 40 mg IV OD
7)Tab.telma 40 mg po/OD
8) Tab.Thyroxine 25 ug po/OD
9) inj.CLEXANE 60 mg s.c /BD
10) Tab. Clopitab A 150 mg po/OD
11) Tab.MET -XL 12.5 mg/po/OD
12)O2 inhalation (2 lit)
13) GRBS 6 th hourly monitoring
14) strict I/O charting.


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